2023 NSIN X-Force Fellowship - Virtual Information Sessions

The National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) is hosting two web-based Ask Me Anything sessions about the upcoming 2023 NSIN X-Force program.
The NSIN X-Force program is an unparalleled opportunity for university students to serve their country through collaboration with the United States military to address real-world challenges that require both technical and entrepreneurial expertise.
Join Us
Who: Undergraduate and graduate students interested in this unique summer fellowship opportunity.
What: Short presentation and Q&A session.
When: Three options to attend this Ask Me Anything Session (AMA).
- Jan. 31 AMA - 12:00 p.m. EST
- Feb. 1 AMA - 4:00 p.m. EST
Where: ZoomGov Webinar
Why: Increase your understanding of the opportunities and experiences associated with the NSIN X-Force Fellowship Program.
Registration Information
Registration has now closed for these AMA sessions.
About the NSIN X-Force Fellowship
The X-Force Fellowship is a summer internship program that provides undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates a chance to serve their country by solving real-world national security problems in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense.