STARTS LA: Innovation of Early-Stage Ventures

Starts LA showcased the innovation of early-stage ventures working across a spectrum of technology areas with applications to data virtualization, secure resilient cloud technology, human-machine teaming, and automation.
The assembled crowd heard remarks from the event host for the evening, Jeff Ahlquist, DV Partner for BCG Digital Ventures. Additionally, a keynote address was delivered by Steven D. Wert, Senior Executive Service, Program Executive Office Digital, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Hanscom Air Force Base. During his remarks, Wert discussed the importance of effective contracting and embracing that opportunity at this critical time.
Five companies were selected to present at the event: Pison, CrowdAI, Geospark, PilotAI and Primer. The selection criteria for these finalists included the potential to address scalable commercial markets, the potential impact on urgent and important national security problems, the level of technical innovation, the strength and experience of team, and the readiness to test or demonstrate product/market fit.