Applications for the neXt Innovation Crowdsourcing Challenge 2020 are due by Friday, January 10, 2020.

Marine Corps Installations Command encourages Marines, civilians and reservists to participate in the MCICOM Installation neXt Innovation Crowdsourcing Challenge which is now live and will remain open until Jan. 10, 2020. I-neXt’s vectors drive the prioritization and development of innovative solutions for our installations.

This crowdsourcing challenge will help I-neXt identify the most pressing issues facing Marine Corps installations today. In collaboration with their ecosystem, which includes partners from industry, military and academia, I-neXt will move forward with the most pressing and actionable problem identified through the challenge and will work to develop an innovative solution to address the problem.

To join the Innovation Community, go to the NSIN Defense Innovation network neXt Innovation Challenge

Why should you apply to join the neXt Challenge?

The Innovation Challenge winner will have the opportunity to personally drive their idea into implementation, brief their installation leadership, and potentially collaborate with experts within academia and industry to develop and refine solutions to their issues with assistance from MCICOM I-neXt.

All problem statements focused on the challenges facing Marine Corps installations are welcome. Participants can also explore the submissions and show support by upvoting or commenting on other problem statements.